A Busy and Productive start of Term at NCLC - February 2020
NCLC and HUGE had a very positive start to the new school term and we thank everyone for their continued support and assistance.
Welcome to our new Primary 1 Class
Term started with the arrival of new children into P1 giving a class of 21. Thanks to a large number of schools including Sotogrande International School in Spain, St Andrews in Pangbourne, Headington in Oxford and Moulsford School we were able to give out uniform, ruck sacks, wellington boots, trainers, and underwear. It was wonderful to see them all properly kitted out and enjoying being part of school.

Discussions with our New P7 about dreams and ambitions
We had a lively and creative discussion with P7 who have a busy but exciting year ahead. There are 15 in the P7 class and all are hoping to go to St Kizito Secondary School like their friends from last year. We discussed our dreams and ambitions which ranged from teachers to becoming a pilot!

New School Bus
The old school bus was very much on its last legs and proving too expensive to run so the decision was taken by HUGE to purchase a new, second-hand bus - A Toyota bus. Transport is key in such a rural community especially for the buying of provisions for the school, transporting children and travelling, when required, to Ssunga medical Clinic.

A visit to see S1 at St Kizito Secondary School
Whilst there are always many highlights, the visit to St Kizito to see the former pupils of NCLC was definitely high up there. All 10 of them seemed to have grown in stature and confidence and looked very smart in their new uniform. A HUGE thank you to Pangbourne College to be the first to commit to the Secondary Education Fund, set up by HUGE which has made this important continuation of education possible.

Construction of a Multi-Purpose Hall
One exciting development in 2020 will be the development of a multi-functional hall for the school and the community, on a site owned by HUGE, located opposite the school. This will be used for a variety of uses such as dance, drama, parent meetings and as an examination centre at the end of the year thereby relinquishing the need for the children to have to travel and stay at another school to take their PLE.
We would like to thank Anglesey House of Wellington College for choosing the HUGE Partnership as their Charity for 2020 and for a much-needed collection of second-hand bras, toothbrushes and whiteboard markers.
We would also like to say a HUGE thank you to the Barker family of St Andrews School, Pangbourne for organising a charity hockey match in aid of HUGE/NCLC and to all the children and parents of St Andrews for participating and supporting. Amazingly, the event with gift aid, raised £2000 which is a phenomenal sum and will cover the cost of 10 children at NCLC.
Finally, an enormous thank you to the entire team at NCLC, led by Headmaster Vincent, who are all doing a fantastic job and who we thoroughly enjoy working alongside.